There is only one week until the opening night of Van Buren High School's production of Beauty and the Beast! Be sure to get your tickets by purchasing at the link below!
almost 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Beauty and the Beast
Yesterday members of the Hancock Leadership class visited Van Buren Local Schools to learn more about the experiences we provide for our students! A few highlights of the tour were the Dash and Dot robots our elementary students use in their STEAM classes, Project Lead the Way courses in the middle school, and The Armory (our student ran store) in the high school. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make yesterday's event possible! #BeABlackKnight
almost 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Hancock Leadership class tour
Hancock Leadership class tour
Hancock Leadership class tour
Hancock Leadership class tour
It's not too late to purchase your tickets for Brunch with Belle and Friends! Today is the last day that tickets will be available. Be our guest at not only Saturday's event, but at the actual performance of Beauty and the Beast (March 17-20) as well by purchasing your tickets for both events at the same time!
almost 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Brunch with Belle
Our student intern, Rachel, has been working on a new video series for the district called "Living our Mission - Building Connections. Building Experiences. Building Thinkers." This month, we are hearing from Mrs. Bridgett Bunn, Special Education Coordinator for the district, on how she builds connections in her position. #BeABlackKnight
almost 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Living Our Mission Title Card
Please join Belle and her Enchanted Friends for a great meal! Don't miss out! Get your tickets today!
almost 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Brunch with Belle and Friends
This week is National School Counselor Week, and Van Buren would like to recognize our amazing counselors! Mr. Zender, Miss Ryman, and Mrs. May play a huge part in the success of our students. We can't thank them enough! #BeABlackKnight
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
The Toledo Walleye will be hosting their second annual STEM Night presented by Penta Career Center and College Advantage on Wednesday, March 2nd. Penta Career Center and various community partners will have interactive displays for young fans to participate in before and during the Walleye game. See the flyer promoting this educational program with a link for parents to purchase tickets. Anyone who purchases tickets through this link will receive a special $10 STEM Night ticket ($9 off walk-up price).
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Toledo Walleye STEM Night
Van Buren Local Schools received several pallets of hand/surface sanitizer at no cost to the district. We viewed this as an opportunity to not only save the district money, but to also help our community with the intent to get enough to share with district residents, businesses, churches, and families. If you would like free hand/surface sanitizer, please stop by the maintenance/transportation office (white building in the north parking lot) between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday - Friday. If you need to schedule an alternative time to pick up, please contact Jon Kelley at
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Hand Sanitizer
On Friday, we had a bus tribute to celebrate the life of Terri Sattler. Terri was a bus driver for Van Buren Local Schools for 30 years. She dedicated so much of her life to serving the community and impacted many lives at Van Buren. She will be missed by many.
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
We want to say THANK YOU to all that participated in the Toys for Tots toy drive! Our SRO, Deputy Crouch, especially wanted to share how thankful he is for our community's support! #BeABlackKnight
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Thank you! Toys for Tots
Parents -- A reminder that we need your help! We are working with the Village of Van Buren to apply for a grant to make school travel safety updates and we need to update our School Travel Plan. Please click on the link to submit your survey by Dec. 10!
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Parent Survey
The VBEA will be hosting a Chili Cook-Off on Friday, December 17 from 4:00-6:00 PM in the High School Cafeteria. All proceeds from this event will be used to fund a scholarship for a VB senior who plans to pursue the field of education.
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Chili Cook Off Flyer
Last week, our middle school students worked to build connections with the residents at Birchaven by making Christmas cards for them! #BeABlackKnight
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Students with cards
As many of you may have heard, a large amount of Toys for Tots donations were stolen from a storage unit recently, leaving the drive short on donations for this year. To help replenish the donations for local children, the Hancock County Sheriff's Office is helping to collect toys. Our goal at Van Buren is to fill Deputy Crouch's office with toys! If you would like to participate, please send a new, unwrapped toy with your child to school by Friday, Dec. 10. We will have drop off locations for both the middle/high school and elementary school each morning. #BeABlackKnight
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Toys for Tots Flyer
It's not too late to donate a coat for Coats for Christmas! Help us fill our donation boxes in the elementary school and high school by the end of this week!
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Coats for Christmas Box at VB
Coats for Christmas Flyer
Parents -- we need your help! We are working with the Village of Van Buren to apply for a grant to make school travel safety updates and we need to update our School Travel Plan. Please click on the link to submit your survey by Dec. 10!
about 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Parent Help Needed To Complete Survey
Don't forget about the 2nd Empowered for Life event at Van Buren Local Schools this weekend on Saturday, November 6th from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in the Van Buren High School Gymnasium! This FREE event is being sponsored by various businesses and groups in our community and is open to all ages. The instructor for the class will be Soke Nowlhas Caseres, Ph. D., 10th Degree Black Belt, of Ki Haku Dojo of Findlay. He will be teaching everyone about self-awareness, self-empowerment and basic self-defense skills. This event will be fun, enlightening and will make you feel more empowered! For more information and to see the registration packet, follow the link:
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Empower for Life Flier
Please mark Thursday, November 11 at 11:11 am on your calendar to attend the Van Buren Veterans Memorial Dedication Ceremony! The memorial itself is an Eagle Scout project created by VB senior, Jacob Deiter. We hope to see you all there to honor our veterans. #BeABlackKnight
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Veterans Memorial Dedication Ceremony
***DATE CHANGE*** The annual "Mr. Yunker Day of Service" date has been moved to Friday, November 12. If you live in the village, it is not too late to sign-up to have your yard raked! Please email Mr. Greer at or call the school (419-299-3384) and give them your name and address.
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Mr. Yunker Day of Service Date Change - Friday, Nov. 12
This year, Mr. Brian Bratt is not only teaching the sophomore English course, he is also providing career advising services for our students. He is looking forward to working with students of all ages to help them develop and follow through with plans for their post-high school lives. Visit the career advising webpage ( to learn more about career possibilities and supports in place for our students!
over 3 years ago, Van Buren Schools
Career Advising