
Your Van Buren Middle School Daily Announcements for Thursday, June 3, 2021:         


                  Have ice cream?      OR     Have a popsicle?                                                          

THIS WEEK @ VBMS:       

  • Thursday 6/3/2021:  Moving Up assembly - Auditorium (12:45 pm)
  • Friday 6/4/2021: Last day for students! - 8th grade picnic - State Park (all day), 6th grade awards, auditorium (9:30am), 7th grade awards, auditorium (10:30 am)


Chef's Choice!
  • All  students are eligible to receive free school lunches (a regular lunch) as a result of the federal school lunch program waiver made possible through the CARES act. Additionally, any students purchasing a regular school lunch since the start of the school year will have that lunch cost refunded to their lunch account in the coming weeks.
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