
Your Van Buren Middle School Daily Announcements for Tuesday, March 9, 2021             


 What is the largest mammal in the world?          


  • Wednesday 3/10: Last ONLINE Wednesday
  • Friday 3/12:  Last day of 2nd trimester (6th grade exploratory classes), Operation: "Thank you" ends


All girls in grades 6-8 interested in playing summer softball need to pick up a form from Mrs. Dishong.


The first rehearsal for the Middle School Play will be held on TODAY in the Learning Commons. Anyone that signed up (to act or for set design) should attend. Please email Mrs. Rodman with any questions.



Cheese Quesadilla, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Asst. Fruit, Milk

  • All  students are eligible to receive free school lunches (a regular lunch) as a result of the federal school lunch program waiver made possible through the CARES act. Additionally, any students purchasing a regular school lunch since the start of the school year will have that lunch cost refunded to their lunch account in the coming weeks.

Follow VBMS on Facebook and Twitter: @VanBurenMS

#VB1Team     #VBexperience     #seizethedayVBMS

Answer to today's Trivia:  The Blue Whale