VBMS Daily Announcements 10/01/20

Your Van Buren Middle School Daily Announcements for Thursday, October 1, 2020

         True Story Thursday

Seven Miles For Me Leaving a store, I returned to my car only to find that I’d locked my keys and cell phone inside. A teenager riding his bike saw me kick a tire and say a few choice words. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I explained my situation. “But even if I could call my wife,” I said, “she can’t bring me her car key, since this is our only car.” He handed me his cell phone. “Call your wife and tell her I’m coming to get her key.” “That’s seven miles round trip.” “Don’t worry about it.” An hour later, he returned with the key. I offered him some money, but he refused. “Let’s just say I needed the exercise,” he said. Then, like a cowboy in the movies, he rode off into the sunset. – Clarence W. Stephens, Nicholasville, Kentucky.


  • Thursday 10/1:  Group B on-campus; FB @ McComb (5pm), VB vs. St. Michael (5pm)
  • Friday 10/2:  Group B on-campus
  • Saturday 10/3:  XC @ Kalida High School (9am)


Bosco Sticks w/ Marinara sauce, Sweet Carrots, Side Salad, Asst. Fruit, Milk

  • Lunch Count/Staff Lunch Order
  • All  students are eligible to receive free school lunches (a regular lunch) as a result of the federal school lunch program waiver made possible through the CARES act. Additionally, any students purchasing a regular school lunch since the start of the school year will have that lunch cost refunded to their lunch account in the coming weeks.

DID YOU LEAVE BELONGINGS AT SCHOOL LAST SPRING? The following students should pick up their belongings left here last year from Mrs. Keeran this week, please!  We've been storing them for four months!  Kamryn Bowman, Paiton Brown, Hunter Hawley, Trey Morris, Abria Mosser, Will Rampe, Camryn VanderEnde, Kaitlyn Warner, Kumar Birlangi, Brock Daniel, Alex Hintz, Dustin Hodges, Hunter Keckler, Camryn Masters, Emma Myers

MASKED LIP SYNC BATTLE... Homebases will challenge each-other during our MASKED lip sync battle! Winner will enjoy Fort Findlay donuts!!!

Lost and found items that have been collected from the end of last year and the beginning of this year are out on tables against the wall in the cafeteria - some of these items came from lockers in the boys locker room. Please stop by this week and claim your lost items.  All items left at the end of the day on Friday, October 2 will be donated to a local charity.


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